Пирог с сыром (уалибах) 950гр

Ossetian Cheese Pies

Осетинский пирог с сыром и свекольной ботвойOssetian pies have several species - all of them with different fixtures (carto, meat, cheese, pumpkin, etc.) and all very rare and delicious!
The Ossetian customs produce 3 pies at once, and you make as much as you can eat your housewives! Enjoy your appetite!

Осетинский пирог с сыром и свекольной ботвойComposition

  • 1 pie diameter ~30 cm
  • for testing
  • water or milk - 100 ml
  • - 100 ml,
  • fresh - 10-15 g,
  • flour - ~ 2, 5 glasses
  • Egg - 1st
  • cream oil - 15 g
  • Estimate - 1 table spoon,
  • 1/3 tea spoon
  • cheek of salt
  • for fixing
  • - 250 g,
  • Ossetian (or Suluguni) - 200 g
  • Dry butter ready pie. - 30-50 g


For evaporation.
In the bow, pour warm milk or water (t~35 °C), pour sugar, salt and mix.
Spread the breezes, add milk to the bow, and re-smash all the breezes into the liquid, and there's no coma.
A little bit of a spray flour (~0, 5-0, 75 glass) constantly laughing to make a test of consistence like a pancakes.
Put the evaporator in a warm place.
The cream oil shall be soaked and restrained to the body temperature.
Kefir, egg and I'm gonna get you out of the refrigerator in advance to get the food heated to room temperature.
Осетинский пирог с сыром и свекольной ботвой The evaporated evaporate, poured into it a kefir, smelted cream butter, cinema and egg.

It's all good to mix, to add a little bit of flour and to mix soft, elastic, necromatic.
Put the temperature in a pure bow, smash the surface of the test with oil or bleed the flour, cover the bow with a clean napkin and put the testo in a warm place.

Prepared slice

Осетинский пирог с сыром и свекольной ботвойPrepare. I don't know.
The beetle is washed in the flower water, then poured into a big bow or a pot of clean water, put a bow in it and washed well, several times changing water.

The battle to get out of the water, the water is good to shake, put it on a clean towel and dry.
We don't need to cut the worms, and the leaves aren't very big.

The cheese on a big terrace or a meat cut.

I want you to connect a bean with cheese and mix it up.

I'm ready to swap and roll in the stove.

Осетинский пирог с сыром и свекольной ботвой Осетинский пирог с сыром и свекольной ботвой Осетинский пирог с сыром и свекольной ботвой Осетинский пирог с сыром и свекольной ботвой
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