Осетинский пирог с сыром и

Ossetian Cheese Pie

One cake:

Muka - 300 g
Kefir, two glasses.
Sugar - 5 g
Margarin - 30 g
- 5 g


- 300 g
Maslo - 30 g
The salt tastes


1. Peel flour of Class I or Excellence, in the middle of deepening and pouring fresh kefier into it, putting mild margarine, salt, bread cream or tremors, sugar and bleeding softly. Put it in the heat and cover. If it's a breeze test, you'll leave it for 2 to 3 hours while it comes. With a soda, 30 to 40 minutes.
2. In the meantime, pie pies.♪ One-day extraction, prepared from fresh whole milk, removed from the serum residues, carefully washed so that the mass of the cheese would become oily, equally elastic, Ambassador, finely intertwined and divided into pieces (number of pies).
3. The finished test is to be divided into pieces and every part of the blade is 5 to 10 mm thick. On the middle of the cape, put a pre-prepared porridge out of fresh Ossetian cheese, cut the cheese on the left surface by 3 to 4 cm from the edge of the cap, then, taking the ends of the cap, gradually pull them into the middle and connect them. Press the palms to cut the pie's surface.
4. Turn to the other side, also to level the surface. The operation is repeated two to three times until the pie is given round shape and the same thickness. Put on a heated, slightly smeared fat pancreas. On the top of the pie, in the middle, make a cut in the test so the couples don't scatter and break the pie. Drinking in the oven.
5. To be hot to the table, lubricating and polishing cream or thick oil. The pie to the table can be presented in whole or cut in four or eight triangle pieces.

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